Learning Technologies 2016 London

Learning technologies 2016

Learning Technologies 2016

This week, I had the pleasure to visit London for the annual Learning Technologies exhibition in Kensington Olympia. My overall feeling about this year’s exhibition is very positive, this year the exhibition seemed to be bigger, much more people, and much more dedication towards learning technologies. Learning skills, which is more soft skills orientated exhibition, that is always taking place in the same venue, was significantly smaller in size this year, as well as the amount of seminars for Learning skills was significantly less than previous years (I have been visiting Learning Technologies for the last 5 years now).

What was interesting?

cannot say there was anything totally groundbraking, but a few things I believe deserve to be noticed, one was the development of Adapt learning framework, namely Learningpool has managed to create a web based authoring tool Adapt builder, you can read more about it here: https://www.learningpool.com/adapt-builder-a-revolutionary-tool-for-responsive-e-learning

My personal discovery vas the VR technology, really enjoyed the VR presentation at the Preloaded stand, they offered an opportunity to “participate in a space mission” using Samsung headset and Samsung phone, looked really good, thank you guys. You can red more about Preloaded here: http://preloaded.com

Finally, I need to mention Lectora’s Responsive Course Design, not really something particularly new, they announced it already last year, with the publishing of Lectora 16 and Lectora Online 3. Nevertheless, it looks good and we plan to update our Lectora templates to be responsive in the very near future. Here is a whitepaper from John Blackmon, CTO of Lectora about RCD: http://trivantis.com/whitepapers/responsive-course-design

Apart from this, I have to say Learning Technologies was a great place to meet all of the big guys, Articulate, Lectora, Captivate had their stands as well as the leading UK e-learning companies and LMS providers.

Looking forward to Learning Technologies 2017.



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